You can obtain SOFIE-Data by following this link:


Every receiver obtain an ID for naming the data files. For example the DLR_School_Lab in Neustrelitz has the ID "NZ1". By this (and a look-up-table) you get the information about the location of every single receiver. We use the ID as the ending of the file. Furthermore you can find the information about the date of receiving in the name. For this we follow the pattern of:
yyyymmdd (y-year, m-month, d-day).
For example a data file can have the name:"20100101.NZ1". So we know it was received on the 1st of January 2010 in the DLR_School_Lab Neustrelitz.

Content of the Data

UTC: 1 1
2209 00:00:15
2209 00:00:20
2262 00:00:25
2258 00:00:29

A SOFIE-datafile looks like this. In the first line you find some information regarding UTC, Greenwich. In this example the first "1" tells you, that the receiver is located eastern from Greenwich (true). If not, you would see a "0" (false). The second "1" tells you the time difference between receiver and Greenwich. Daylight savings time isn't considered.

Following the file head, you see the measurements of the signal strength (in millivolts) and the corresponding timestamp (hour: 0-23).

Information to the Transmitters
Frequency Transmitter Location ID Coordinates
22,1 kHz Skelton Great Britain GQD 54.731806N
23,4 kHz Rhauderfehn Germany DHO38 53.080611N
24,0 kHz Cutler USA (Maine) NAA 44.643414N
45,9 kHz Sigonella Italy NSY 37.405192N
37,5 kHz Grindavik Island NRK 63.850375N

Information to the Active Receivers

Calculation of the Distance and Bearing
Receiver Tranceiver Distance/Bearing
Latitude : [-]deg.ddddd

Longitude : [-]deg.ddddd

Latitude : [-]deg.ddddd

Longitude : [-]deg.ddddd

Distance [in km]:
Bearing [in °]:

Coordinates format is the pair of latitude and longitude, with sign minus (-) for the direction south latitude and west longitude, here some example:
52.5163 , 13.3779
40.7682 , -73.9816
-22.9708 , -43.1830

Calculation of the sunrise and sunset
Latitude : [-]deg.ddddd

Longitude : [-]deg.ddddd

